電腦效能應用與安全研究室 Performance, Applications and Security Lab


2014年4月7日 星期一



Foreign involvement in the Critical National Infrastructure - The implications for national security 



請翻到p.27。這個資料是Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC)做出來的,讓首相能夠有充分的資料對國會做報告。這個資料也是公開的,可以讓大眾檢視。很遺憾,我們沒有這樣得資料,是誰的問題呢?

ISC這個政府單位很有趣,由國會提名委員,首相任命,直接對首相負責,可以監督英國的三大情資機關,the Security Service (MI5), the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ),大概等同於我們的國安會(金溥聰剛接任秘書長)。









  • 國家摧毀我們的未來,為什麼我們沒有資格憤怒?(http://ppt.cc/HD8s)
  • 從服貿官員發言談網路,看政府失能的癥結 (http://mmdays.com/2014/04/06/gov_fails/)



- 在開宗明義的p.4,他說:
1. ... In the UK, the Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) is now largely in the hands of private enterprises that are driven by commercial considerations. However, given the importance of the CNI, the decisions they take may have wider implications for national security.

3. There is, potentially, a conflict between the commercial imperative and national security, as a result of increasing private ownership of CNI assets combined with the globalisation of the telecommunications marketplace. It is important to ensure in such situations that the correct balance is struck: Government must be clear what its strategy is when it comes to deployment of equipment – particularly where this has been developed or manufactured by foreign companies – within the UK’s CNI and have effective processes in place for considering these issues. We have considered the relationship between BT and Huawei in this context.

- 在談華為的p.5~p.6,
5. ... In this context, the alleged links between Huawei and the Chinese State are concerning, as they generate suspicion as to whether Huawei’s intentions are strictly commercial or are more political.

6. However, Huawei strenuously denies that it has direct links with the Chinese Government or military, claiming that it receives no financial support from the Chinese Government and that it is 98.6% owned by its employees. Nevertheless, *** there is a lack of clarity about its financial structures.

7. When questions first arose concerning Huawei’s links to the Chinese State, Huawei launched a large-scale PR campaign to demonstrate that they could be trusted as a telecommunications equipment supplier.

9. Huawei’s PR campaign appears to have fallen flat thus far, as other countries have taken an increasingly critical stance towards the company’s involvement in their national telecommunications networks. In the US, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) recently published a scathing assessment of Huawei’s reliability in an ‘Investigative Report on the US National Security Issues Posed by Chinese Telecommunications Companies Huawei and ZTE’.9 Their report concluded that “the risks associated with Huawei and ZTE’s provision of equipment to US critical infrastructure could undermine core US national-security interests”. Meanwhile, the Australian Government has decided, reportedly on national security grounds, to exclude Huawei from involvement in their National Broadband Network, a similar upgrade project to that being pursued in the UK by BT (albeit that the Australian network is owned and funded by the Australian Government).

- 華為為什麼令這些國家不安呢?報告在p.8-10中列舉諸多的例證。
13. BT first notified Government officials in 2003 of Huawei’s interest in the 21st Century Network contract. However, the Committee has been told by the Cabinet Office that officials chose not to refer the matter to Ministers, or even inform them, until 2006, a year after the contract had been signed. The Committee sought to understand the reasons behind this failure:...

The Government’s duty to protect the safety and security of its citizens should not be compromised by fears of financial consequences, or lack of appropriate protocols. However, a lack of clarity around procedures, responsibility and powers means that national security issues have risked, and continue to risk, being overlooked.

The BT/Huawei relationship began nearly ten years ago; the process for considering national security issues at that time was insufficiently robust. The Committee was shocked that officials chose not to inform, let alone consult, Ministers on such an issue. We are not convinced that there has been any improvement since then in terms of an effective procedure for considering foreign investment in the Critical National Infrastructure (CNI).

- 以下是關於風險:

19. *** the Security Service had already told us in early 2008 that, theoretically, the Chinese State may be able to exploit any vulnerabilities in Huawei’s equipment in order to gain some access to the BT network, which would provide them with an attractive espionage opportunity. Furthermore, the Committee understands that the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) had previously warned that if a hostile actor were to exploit such an opportunity, an attack “would be very difficult to detect or prevent and could enable the Chinese to intercept covertly or disrupt traffic passing through Huawei supplied networks”. *** these assessments underline what could, theoretically, be at stake through Huawei’s involvement in the UK’s CNI.
國安局(Security Service)告訴我們,理論上,這些華為的設備提供中國很誘人的滲透諜報機會,而且情報聯席會(JIC)也警告過,透過這些機會所進行的有敵意的攻擊,是非常難以偵測和預防的,而且也讓中國能夠秘密攔截和擾亂我們的資訊網路。

- 第12頁的粗體字:While we note GCHQ’s confidence in BT’s management of its network, the software that is embedded in telecommunications equipment consists of “over a million lines of code” and GCHQ has been clear from the outset that “it is just impossible to go through that much code and be absolutely confident you have found everything”. There will therefore always be a risk in any telecommunications system, worldwide. What is important is how it is managed, or contained.

- 第13頁列舉英國政府GCHQ要求華為配合,以提高可信度的作法,但是也承認華為並不見得很積極(“on occasions there has been pushback from Huawei senior staff who have been seeking to reduce the overheads associated with the [requirements]”)。

- 在第28點,報告指出由於華為希望藉由與英國的合作,向國際證明他的可信度,所以他匴是很盡力也很花錢在做這個暱稱為Cell的資安評估中心(Cyber Security Evaluation Centre),因此告誡政府不可大意,還是必須更嚴格加強安全措施

- 第31點,既然大多數資通訊設備都已經是在中國研發或製造的,那麼不買這些設備並不是個好辦法

- 第33點,所以風險管理的方法(risk management approach)才是重點。政府要有適當的程序來評估這些風險,以及管理風險,而且關鍵是,這個程序必須完完全全與制度整合,無論是在簽約前或是簽約後,絕對不是附帶品

- 報告的結論基本上重述以上我翻譯過的重點,最後有個總結:
We do not believe that these crucial requirements existed when BT and Huawei first began their commercial relationship. From the evidence we have taken during this investigation, the procedural steps that we have outlined still do not appear to exist. However, as we went to press, we were told that the Government has now developed a process to assess the risks associated with foreign investment into the UK. Whether these processes are sufficiently robust remains to be seen: the steps we have outlined must exist to ensure that Government does not find itself in the same position again.






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