電腦效能應用與安全研究室 Performance, Applications and Security Lab


2010年3月27日 星期六

The Intel® Manycore Testing Lab - cloud computing on 32 cores for academia.

又收到Intel的email... 非常積極地推動multicore和cloud,看起來是提供學術界資源,但這個作法基本上是要學界先提研究計畫,他們只支助所謂『最好』的計畫,好像在抽獎一樣,其實試想從學界吸取ideas。難保計畫內容不被抄襲,所以大多數都是拿做過的東西去提計畫。另外有個『OpenCirrus Cloud Computing Testbed』的類似研究平台,也是差不多 -- 你想要免費的平台,他想要你的ideas。我們還是自己來建構自己的平台比較實在...


The Intel® Manycore Testing Lab
cloud computing on 32 cores for academia.

Have you ever wished you could get your hands on the latest technologies? Use it for classroom demonstrations?  See if your code scales?
The Intel Academic Community has a new opportunity for our members including remote access to a 32 core software development environment. Transform your curriculum and give your students a leading edge by providing them with experience on manycore systems… absolutely free!  Scheduling for members begins June 2, but contact us right away if you’d like to register. 
Enter the 32 Core Testing Plan Contest!
You (or your students) could get access to the Intel® Manycore Testing Lab as early as next month.  Simply tell us about the project you would like to test.  The five (5) best proposals* will receive access to the complete testing environment, as well as Intel engineering and marketing support to ensure maximum practical experience, AND full documentation (for great resume building). This is a great opportunity for student projects. Get more information and enter now! Entries are due April 23, 2010.
Learn more about the Intel® Manycore Testing Lab.

Think Parallel… Teach Parallel
Intel Academic Community

